Thor confronts Hela, but she overpowers him and sends him to a planet called Sakaar. “She’s been locked away for millennia, getting more and more cross, and then, with a mistake, she gets unleashed and she ain’t getting back in that box,” Blanchett told Entertainment Weekly. But Loki doesn’t make the best ruler as he accidentally releases the imprisoned Hela. In the film, Thor discovers that his devious brother Loki (Tom Hiddleston) has been impersonating their missing father, Odin, and ruling Asgard. Thor - played by Chris Hemsworth in the Marvel films - is usually the hero who stops her. She often tries to extend her rule to Valhalla, a grand hall in Asgard where souls who died honorably reside. In the comic books, the Asgardian king Odin (Thor’s dad) appoints her to rule over Hel, a dark underworld-like hell, and Nifleheim, a sort of icy purgatory. Hela is the Asgardian goddess of death, inspired by the Norse goddess Hel. Here’s everything that you need to know about the comic book character and what to expect from Blanchett in the film. Hopefully, there’s that satisfaction in watching Hela.Hela also happens to be the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s first major female villain. So hopefully we’re given her a journey, like how you understand why Loki is as screwed up as he is. So, it was trying to in the screen time I had to tease that stuff and to give her a journey really. Why not mess it all up? It’s easy to play bad but, like when I was in Cinderella, like what makes the stepmother evil is interesting. I mean one only need to have a mildly unpleasant thought and you’re considered evil. On interacting with the the denizens of Asgard: I won’t tell you which - I’ll leave that hanging. She can manifest weapons out of different parts of her body. So that’s what I really talked to the Marvel team and Taika about was when we would chose to have her masked and when she wouldn’t be masked. But yes, it was really interesting to go back. For any of these characters, there’s never one origin story. And there are so many iterations of the origin story. You gotta know the history of the character. On researching the villainess and how close she'll come to the comic book version: There was hilarity but he knew every single time when to focus. He takes the work seriously but he doesn’t take himself seriously. Obviously they wanted to do something fresh and different, which is always exciting. He’s sort of part sumo wrestler, part showgirl, part father you always wanted to have. I was trying to get my head around the collision of his sensibility as a director and what had previously existed in the Thor franchise and I thought that’s going to be interesting to say the least and I thought it could produce an interesting combustible connection because tonally his work is so different from what previously existed.
Well I had seen his vampire movie and Hunt for the Wilderpeople. On wanting to work with Waititi and how her expectations were met on set:įor me as an actor, this is separate, is my desire to work with Taika Waititi. I think finally it’s beginning to be acknowledged that women and men want to see a diverse array of characters, and that’s race, gender across the sexual spectrum. There’s so much untapped potential villainy in women. They tend to be the only type of film particularly having young boys. Can you believe it? Can you believe we’re having this conversation and it’s 2017 and we’re talking about the first female villain? It’s ridiculous. I’ve seen so many of the Marvel franchises, particularly being the mother of four. Well let’s face it: as a woman, these opportunities have not in the past come up very frequently and I think there’s a revolution happening from within Marvel. On being Marvel's first female villain (since that whole Iron Man 3 thing didn't quite work out as planned): She’s been locked away for millennia, getting more and more cross, and then, with a mistake, she get unleashed and she ain’t getting back in that box." I think that’s where you put the period in the sentence, right? She arrives with a lot of baggage. Blanchett's character doesn't need much of an explanation beyond her moniker as the Goddess of Death.